Friday, March 10, 2006

I Would Pay for Digital Comics

My last post, on Marvel's Runaways series, got me thinking about digital comics. Namely this:

There ought to be digital comics subscriptions from Marvel and DC. I am unlikely to put money down to own copies of graphic novels or trade paperbacks or, god forbid, any new issue of an ongoing series.

But I absolutely would pay to read them online. I don't want them in my house (to add to the 1200+ comics from the 1970s and 80s already there); I just want to read them. When I want to.
And, while I'm enjoying the heck out of some free online serials, all in all, I'd rather read my old favorites as a whole story, rather than a page at a time.

Marvel recently sent out a survey asking very specific pricing questions about digital comics, what people want, what they'd expect and how much they'd pay. I hope they asked these questions to the right people. I bet that they'd find that people like me -- comics fans in their late 30s or 40s who would love to read comics but don't want to clutter up their house with them (or let their little kids read them yet) would be happy to subscribe so they can read them in the comfort of their offices, coffee shops or living rooms.

Maybe Marvel would pay me to promote this...

Edit 11:53 am: some other blogs with interesting takes:

A take on the overall business model of comics -- print at home? Others?

A dissecting a dissenting view..."Comics are a collector's medium..." I'd disagree, as I think the author does, too... there ought to be a place for those of us who just want to read great stories...

Apparently, Marvel is definitely heading in this direction, but the "catalog" referenced is moving a lot more slowly and the selection is a lot more random than advertised... ideally, we shouldn't have to be "tantalized" by a digital offering into looking up the full series in print -- we should be able to buy access to the full series digitally...

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