Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Stuart Smalley Saves ... Me

I'm reading The Artist's Way, by Julia Cameron, a how-to guide for unlocking your creative soul, or some such nonsense.

Oh, right. I'm not supposed to engage in such negative "blurtings."

On this continuing journey to find my muse that will enable me to produce creative works that nourish my soul and bring in piles of cash so I can quit my job, I have discovered that what I like to call "considering every last barrier to success to fully understand the problem" is actually "finding endless reasons not to start or finish everything so I can sit on my ass and surf the Internet all day."

The Artists Way recommends starting each day writing three pages in a journal (to save time on this, my first day, I have chosen a half-size steno pad). Cameron recommends beginning with affirmations that really boil down to Stuart Smalley's famous "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggonit, people like me!"

Okay, I'm blurting again.

Irony is overrated, and as Al Gore once said, "a cynic is just a disappointed idealist in disguise, a dreamer yearning to dream again." (I actually remembered that one).

And, as I'm about to say: every journey begins. Or it's not really a journey, is it?

There. I said it.

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