Friday, February 17, 2006

VPs with Guns

Have a look at the news reports on how Dick Cheney shot his buddy on a hunting trip. There's a missing issue that merits discussion. Namely:

Why in God's name are we allowing the Vice President of the United States to go on hunting trips? Why are we allowing the man second in the line to the Presidency to be hanging around with guys with guns who could easily -- accidentally -- shoot him.

Look, if it's this easy to make a mistake -- to fire on your friend coming up from behind -- shouldn't we be thinking that it could easily have been our VP?

I'm not a gun-control freak -- I think we should have reasonable gun control laws that ensure the general welfare of the republic. There's a debatable range here. I'm not a hunger, but I'm all for hunting by hunters who know how to be safe.

But think about it: Cheney and is friends are experienced hunters. The knew the rules, knew the customs and knew how to be safe. And Cheney still shot this guy.

Forget the PR bungle and all that. The issue is: is it good judgement for the man next in line to be leader of the free world to be hanging out in the woods with guys with guns?

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