Tuesday, January 31, 2006

State of the Union, or, I Have Seen the Face of Evil

I've never been so afraid for my country in all my life.

I'm watching President Bush delivering his State of the Union address. He explains how he's appreciated the criticism and input of both Democrats and Republicans. That Congress should speak freely ... it's part of Democracy. In the same breath, he says it's not useful to criticize the past, we must only look forward.

And looking forward, he says: "There is only one option."

I felt a chill go up my spine. I fee sick to my stomach.

There is only one option? So - it's OK to debate and criticize, as long as you realize there there is only one option - my option. To move forward, and then, he says, to support our troops in their efforts to finish the job - clearly a way to soften what was a harsh threat to Congress.

And Congress cheered.

There is no excuse for this. Mr. President, there are always options. There are many options. You need to hear them. You'll make your choice from among them, and you and we will have to live with that choice. But my country is a noisy, messy place, where people can argue, debate, choose to stomp their feet and stand their ground or to listen and find compromise. If I want to dwell in hindsight, I have every right to. If I want to point out your mistakes, I will. If I want to offer options, new ways to see our choices in the world -- or support people who have these views -- I will.

That's America.

I've never been scared of George Bush or Republicans in Congress before. I am now. He will clearly leave this country a worse place than it was before -- one where people are afraid to speak their minds, where freedom of speech is under increasing attack. Protect our country, but live with the debate. Argue, fight, and make your decisions, but never stop the voices.

You may not like the shouting, but that beautiful noise is much safer than the chilling silence ahead.

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