"But as the president has made clear, we simply cannot afford to fail in the Middle East. Failure in Iraq at this juncture would be a calamity that would haunt our nation, impair our credibility, and endanger Americans for decades to come."
Robert Gates, US Defense Secretary, December 18, 2006
This is the most egregious lie being propagated by our leaders at this time. It is important that we reframe the issue -- get beyond this will we decide to succeed or not succeed. The decision is out of our hands. Or rather, we made poor decisions, and we failed in Iraq. Past tense. Our credibility is impaired, Americans are endangered. The failure has been accomplished. It's over and done with.
The question now is not one of success or failure -- that question has been answered. The question before our leaders and our country now is how to contain the failure to just Iraq. Humpty Dumpty has fallen...all the president's men can't put Humpty back together again.
America doesn't have to be a peacenik or Pollyanna. But it has to stand for something more than questionable invasions and quick fixes.
That's why how we got into this is still relevant. We need to decide who we are in the world again. Is America a force for good? Then let's do good in the world. Let's invest in a more peaceful world -- whether that means raising the global standard of living or exerting military force to protect ourselves and our allies.
In the end, America must stand not for a way of government but for helping the peoples of the world to live good lives -- to give voice to the voiceless, open opportunity to the poor, and ease the pain of the ailing.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Who Watches the Watchmen?
Late at night, under the covers and by flashlight, I've been re-reading Watchmen graphic novel by Alan Moore and David Gibbons.
If you haven't read it, go forth, buy it and read it.
For a story drawn from 1980s Cold War fears of imminent nuclear armageddon, the story remains remarkably relevant today. And for the conspiracy minded among you, has it been remarked that the horrible event at the climax of Watchmen and the events of 911 could be seen as eerily similar? What if 911 was "manufactured" for the sole purpose of bringing the world together, and we blew it? Or, more likely, 911 could have brought the world together, but, as Alan Moore seems to say, it really just wouldn't have worked anyway... someone would have blown the secret, changed their mind, squandered the goodwill of the nations of the world...
OK ... so it's been remarked... http://www.leanleft.com/archives/2004/01/28/2218/, and ... probably other places, too... But read it or read it again. It's that good.
If you haven't read it, go forth, buy it and read it.
For a story drawn from 1980s Cold War fears of imminent nuclear armageddon, the story remains remarkably relevant today. And for the conspiracy minded among you, has it been remarked that the horrible event at the climax of Watchmen and the events of 911 could be seen as eerily similar? What if 911 was "manufactured" for the sole purpose of bringing the world together, and we blew it? Or, more likely, 911 could have brought the world together, but, as Alan Moore seems to say, it really just wouldn't have worked anyway... someone would have blown the secret, changed their mind, squandered the goodwill of the nations of the world...
OK ... so it's been remarked... http://www.leanleft.com/archives/2004/01/28/2218/, and ... probably other places, too... But read it or read it again. It's that good.
Friday, December 15, 2006
A Smile for the Season

Nothing makes you smile a sweet, winter-holiday-related smile like walking into the lobby of a Minneapolis office building ... and ... and ...
...practically running smack dab into a real-live Elvis Impersonator, performing "Kentucky Rain" before a crowd of shocked downtown office workers!
Yeah, baby!
*Note: not the actual
Elvis Impersonator seen in
Minneapolis. Photo
"courtesy" of www.elvis2k.co.uk.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
An Update
I'm "working hard" in a suburban Minnesota Starbucks. And don't let anyone tell you different.
So...an update:
* Thanks to all who have written to inquire about illustrating my fine comic script. I'm contacting y'all now, or will be soon. If you're interested and haven't written, check out http://domparkercomic.blogspot.com and then send your samples to kkadet@gmail.com.
* Episode X of Peter Flak, Big Time Detective is live at One Minute Stories (http://oneminutestories.blogspot.com). Our hero is confused and weak of stomach, pursuing his supposedly dead publicist to the posh Carstairs Hotel and being pursued by a dogged TV reporter with her own agenda. Will Detective Flak find the answers to his vexing questions? Will he do any detecting? Will anything ever happen in this story?
The answer is... what were the questions again? The story is steaming toward a pulse-pounding, mind-blowing, mildly amusing conclusion in the coming ... umm weeks or so. Don't forget to start at the beginning...
So...an update:
* Thanks to all who have written to inquire about illustrating my fine comic script. I'm contacting y'all now, or will be soon. If you're interested and haven't written, check out http://domparkercomic.blogspot.com and then send your samples to kkadet@gmail.com.
* Episode X of Peter Flak, Big Time Detective is live at One Minute Stories (http://oneminutestories.blogspot.com). Our hero is confused and weak of stomach, pursuing his supposedly dead publicist to the posh Carstairs Hotel and being pursued by a dogged TV reporter with her own agenda. Will Detective Flak find the answers to his vexing questions? Will he do any detecting? Will anything ever happen in this story?
The answer is... what were the questions again? The story is steaming toward a pulse-pounding, mind-blowing, mildly amusing conclusion in the coming ... umm weeks or so. Don't forget to start at the beginning...
Friday, December 01, 2006
Star Search
I've officially finished with the first draft of my magnum opus of a comic book script, now called "Wings." Three issues and 60+ comic pages of kid-with-invisible-wings-and-his-friends related action. You can see my "pitch" and the backstory at http://domparkercomic.blogspot.com.
If you visit and have before, you'll note that the script itself is no longer there -- I've done a lot of editing and it wasn't so current anymore. The site now is officially dedicated to my efforts to recruit an illustrator who can bring this story to life.
If you are an illustrator visiting here from the many places I've posted my plaintive plea for an illustrator/collaborator, have a look at the Dom Parker/Wings project blog. You'll find the backstory to the tale I've penned, a description of Dom, the main character. I'll be adding descriptions of the other main characters over the next couple days.
My biggest challenge, of course, is finding an artist. I thought perhaps that there would be someone out there willing to do this for "experience," but so far, no one's taken a bite on
my pitch. Not surprising, I guess, given that I'm sitting what would probably end up being over 100 hours of work if it were to be pencilled, inked, colored, lettered and nitpicked over by the writer.
Again, if you're an artist, and you're good, let me know if you're interested... I'm soon going to discuss what I can invest in this project in real dollars with my Lovely Wife.
Anyone with interest, ideas, comments or questions, feel free to comment here or email me!
If you visit and have before, you'll note that the script itself is no longer there -- I've done a lot of editing and it wasn't so current anymore. The site now is officially dedicated to my efforts to recruit an illustrator who can bring this story to life.
If you are an illustrator visiting here from the many places I've posted my plaintive plea for an illustrator/collaborator, have a look at the Dom Parker/Wings project blog. You'll find the backstory to the tale I've penned, a description of Dom, the main character. I'll be adding descriptions of the other main characters over the next couple days.
My biggest challenge, of course, is finding an artist. I thought perhaps that there would be someone out there willing to do this for "experience," but so far, no one's taken a bite on
my pitch. Not surprising, I guess, given that I'm sitting what would probably end up being over 100 hours of work if it were to be pencilled, inked, colored, lettered and nitpicked over by the writer.
Again, if you're an artist, and you're good, let me know if you're interested... I'm soon going to discuss what I can invest in this project in real dollars with my Lovely Wife.
Anyone with interest, ideas, comments or questions, feel free to comment here or email me!
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